Finding blood group using

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We thought we need only money throughout life however due to Covid-19, we have released that health is important. And, blood will only make us alive for sure at the end!

World is somehow stuck due to COVID-19. Frustrated with lockdown. Sad with our empty pockets. Desperate to grow in the midst of a crisis. Responsibility makes us heavy. We feel alone. We are scared by the government incompetence. Response to this crisis had brought a lot of youths to go against the government act on crisis management. We know in times like pandemic a single entity of government can't make the whole country functional because every citizens life is changing so unexpectdly. Since the lockdown, my whole life has changed a lot without giving me an innivitaion. 

Let me tell you, I was based on Kathmandu for 12 years. And, lockdown pushed me hard to rethink about life, society and my future aspirations. I took a heavy decision to completely move to my hometown leaving the place which had more opportunity than it has now. Lost connection with many many people whom I thought were there when I needed. But, no, life doesn’t give you a chance to either live or die. Like in flik of a second you can be completely hopeful and in the next second you have to find a way to crawl on hopelessness. I asked life to be little gentle to me; but no, it had left no mercy! 

Let me tell you, an incident that I happened to encounter a couple of weeks back. One of my friends called me to look for 2 rooms in Chitwan. The person that was looking for a flat was with her mother at the hospital. Her mother had a breast cancer surgery and her hometown was Mahendranagar which is very very far from Chitwan. Her mother had to go through Chemotherapy in every 21 days and therefore she needed to stay back at Chitwan. But, sadly and badly life isn’t fair to everyone. People refused to give their empty flat even explaining every situation showing the reason of Covid-19. 

It’s fair to digest the fact that we are all selfish for our life and we fear to die. I tried my best to help that friend of my friend’s friend. Long loop it is for sure you will not get the relationship thread. Keeping it short; she finally got the room where my family and neighbours helped a lot. As a daughter who had all piled responsibility to care of her mother, worried about her upcoming exams, scared with a lot of uncertainty that kept coming, she is a fighter of her life for sure.  

Now after some day,  this fighter girl needs blood for her mother in a completely new place where she barely knows anyone. She is a complete stranger. As an online user, she has the option to post on social media and ask for her. Scroll all the Facebook groups that are named as Blood Bank. And still be unsure about whether her mother will get blood or not! 

This incident gave our team time to reflect about human basic needs during Covid-19. We thought we need only money throughout life however due to Covid-19, we have released that health is important. And, blood will only make us alive for sure at the end! So keeping this as a basic necessity for; now you can easily search blood groups on the platform. 

How can you find a blood group using

  1. Create an account at
  2. Complete your Profile Setting 
  3. Update your Address.
  4. Update your Blood group.
  5. Go to Privacy Setting and Allow to Share your location. 
  6. Now, your profile will be searched on the basis of your location and blood group.  

Hurry up, ask every family member of yours to make an account at Yeklo and ask them to help people who need blood! You can stop people from coming to your home right now; but you can donate the blood if you want. All we need is lot of back up blood right now to ensure with our one small effort we can save many lives.  
