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To answer seekers, typing What is, Who is, Where to, Why to and many more in the search box might be just questions, but they are highly essential for those expecting to excel in SEO. No doubt that bloggers or SEO aspirants want to know their audience or customer well. Thus, they want to deliver such content that meets the exact requirements of the audience or customer. For that, knowledge of Search Intent is crucial.

Any internet user who has an urgency to become familiar with certain products or phenomenon or machinery or service, or anything, they heavily rely on search engines, mostly Google. Any word or a statement or phrase a person enters into a search box to find answers is called a Query.

To be crisp and to the point, the various intention with which any internet user like me or you or anybody surfs on internet/Search engines is Search Intent. Search Intent in SEO is also known as Keyword Intent.

Let me give you five questions, which usually represent how people search their queries on Google.

1.What are Cat's behaviors?

2.Which breed of cat is better?

3.Price of a cute White Persian cat

4.Buy White Persian Cat from Purina

5.Buy White Persian Cats from Purina near me


If you happened to crack the motive or intention in the above questions, then congrats, you will have an easy way to know about types of Search Intent. If you could not, don't worry; I am here to help and clarify you. So get ready to be familiar with TYPES of SEARCH INTENT.

Based on the entered query (like in the example), there are five types of search intents.

Informational Search Intent 



Here, the users are very eager to learn. They are looking for the answer to a specific question or solve a particular problem—interrogatives like What is or How does or simply the word of cusriosity is entered in the search bar. Informational Intent covers up about 50 to 80 percent of queries on Google. 

Taking a reference to SEO Funnel, Informational Intent stays on the top. Question no. 1 (above) is an example of this Intent as the user wants to know more about a cat's behavior, liking, and way of showing various omen.



Commercial investigation:

Here, users intend to check and compare the same product from different brands and seek to find the better one; however, they can not eager or ready to have a transaction.

 In the SEO Funnel, it ranks after Informational. Question no. 2 (above) is an example of this Intent as the user wants to compare the best breed of cat.

Transactional intent(Commercial intent)

Here a user intends to check on the purchasing and finding out details about the exact product or service. This takes SEO Funnel's middle and bottom parts.

Because some users might buy directly after clicking on options or simply just checking the price, it can move from middle to bottom or vice-versa. Question no. 3 (above) is an example of this Intent as the user wants to buy the Persian breed's white cat. 



Navigational Intent: 

In this search intent, people try to find the product of a particular brand or the brand itself. The users have no other options to wander. Thus users are pretty-focused in their searching.

 In an SEO Funnel, it lies one step above the bottom. Question no. 4 (above) is an example of this Intent as the user wants to buy the Persian breed' from a website called Purina.

Local Intent

A customer might think of buying a particular item or service available to him in his local area. So, in that case, the online presence and physical presence seems to be effective. Thus upgrading the location in the content can enhance our reach to the public.

In the SEO Funnel, this Intent is at the bottom, meaning it can bring a high number of customers to us. Question no. 5 (above) is an example of this Intent as the user wants to buy the Persian breed's from a website/shop called Purina nearby his place.




Considering types of search intents, the website or bloggers or brands can make their content matching and addressing such curiosities. However, if the product or the service provider is available in both the digital form and physical form, there are greater chances of high sales and profit. Thus, those involved in maintaining or improving SEO must know these and use them in a specific form to attract quantity and quality audience.


Aakash Karki 4 yrs

Thank you for Sharing

Shiv Kandel 4 yrs

Simple and connecting.