How technology affected our daily lives?

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Talking about technology,it has really immense impact on how do we live , play ,work and learn . With each passing day a new software is being brought into the market that serves to improve our lives.Technology helps us to keep in touch with people who are away from us. Nowadays, computer

Talking about technology,it has really immense impact on how do we live , play ,work and learn . With each passing day a new software is being brought into the market that serves to improve our lives.Technology helps us to keep in touch with people who are away from us. Nowadays, computers and mobiles are used to see and talk with each other. The use of technology has made our life comfortable and undeniable important a part of it
On my perspective, technology is clarified as practical system of knowledge moreover solving query or problems to create tools,so that technology is not reflected in things or hardware.Beside this technology includes concepts like human Language and smoothness or efficiency.Going through the today’s situation/culture we lead to equate the word technology with gadgets,that ought to not the best way to think about it indeed.Furthermore there are kind of modern and primitive technology.Giving thoughts/thinking about today’s generation modern technology is replacing and has enormous impact on man kind. Thereby modern technology such as multifunctional device like smart watches and smart phones. In addition to that computers are proliferating/increasingly faster , more portable and this technology has made our lives very uncomplicated,faster diligence and mainly those are developing interests in addition to more fun.
It is also very useful in business for Web Designing, Digital Marketing and much more .Technology has essential effects on business operations. No matter the size of your enterprise, technology has vital benefits that will help you to make money and get excellent results. Foremost, it's highly important to be ready to communicate with customers, it's necessary for workers to interact with clients quickly. At the point when clients use technology to connect with a business, the business benefits since clear correspondence makes great, long haul connections, and a more grounded public picture
Technology also brought a great change in education. . Before the Internet and technologies, students used to visit libraries and spending much of their time their for reading , but now it is easy to type the name of a book in many websites and all the book there. Due to the tehnology the teaching method is far different and far better than before. Today, teachers can use projectors as their teaching tools which helps the student to memorize and understand the things easily.
Besides, it has also given assistant devices for voice and vedio cassette.With all of these devices,we can do things like transfer money instantly and make purchases from everything from clothing,groceries,furniture and many more.Moreover all this concept technology has changed how we entertain ourselves,meet each other and consume all sorts of media.Despite this,it’s also made emphasis advancements in safety when it comes to home security and media devices.

Shiv Kandel 4 yrs

Little improvement needed in formatting. Make it simple for audience to read. Give space whenever necessary. Focus on simple formats of essay writing.