Yeklo onboards Glastic from India to supply jars and bottle whole over Nepal

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“There were a lot of queries regarding the need of glass and jars in Facebook groups like Entrepreneurs for Nepal and also a lot of confusing and chaotic processes to reach directly with the manufacturers. Therefore we decided to onboard Glastic to Yeklo marketplace. Now, by creating an account at Yeklo, anyone can directly deal with manufacture of Glastic and order any quantity of jars and bottle.” says, Shiv Kandel (Co-Founder of Yeklo)

Noone had anticipated at the start of year 2020 that lockdown would crunch the global economy so hard that our business, families and individual life would kneel down so helplessly. We never thought virtual collaboration would be a new normal for startups, manufacturers and both consumers. Businesses are suffering mostly because supply chains are drastically impacted and with limitation it’s coming in little pace. However, it has given us a major lesson on how we both business and consumers should respond to crisis time and make ourselves prepared on how we should prepare next time. 

In response to the market crisis, Yeklo onboarded Ferozabad (Uttar Pradesh, India) based glass manufacturing plant to supply jars and bottle whole over Nepal. Many businesses like breweries, juceries, dairy farms, and  most importantly many SME’s who own pickle, ghee business often purchase these kind of glass and jars. Glastic is a prominent manufacturer and supplier of glass jars from India who have exclusively worked with world class brands like Anmol, Mazza, CocaCola, Sawariya, Royal Stag to supply their customization jars and bottle requirements. 

“There were a lot of queries regarding the need of glass and jars in Facebook groups like Entrepreneurs for Nepal and also a lot of confusing and chaotic processes to reach directly with the manufacturers. Therefore we decided to onboard Glastic to Yeklo marketplace. Now, by creating an account at Yeklo, anyone can directly deal with manufacture of Glastic and order any quantity of jars and bottle.” says, Shiv Kandel (Co-Founder of Yeklo)

In response to this partnership, Pratik Gauri (Creator of 5th Industrial Revolution) says, “When the world is getting prepared for the 5th Industrial Revolution having a platform like Yeklo will help to reduce Sixth Degree of Separation to less than Two Degress by creating direct opportunity for both manufacture like Glastic and consumer to make fair sale deal by reducing the middle men in the process of product purchase”

” We have been known in both India and foreign markets for both product customization and quality of glass and jars we supply. And, simultaneously we help reduce the procurement cost by 8-10% of big big companies who purchase crore and crore worth glass and bottles in month itself. In Nepal, we can at least save 25-30% of purchase costs for those who are in need of 50K to 1lakh of jars and bottles for their business", Says, Utkarsha Sharma (Founder of Glastic)  

Anyone looking for any kind of glass, jars both standard and customization can directly get in touch with Utkarsha at Yeklo platform. You can get inquiries resolved and also make a direct sales deal without a middle man by creating a Yeklo account. The stock house is at Chitwan and those willing to see and feel the product can visit Chitwan. 

If you have any queries you can comment on this blog or call at +9779849489006 
