Common Problems that Faced By Undergraduate (Bachelor) Students and Their Expected Solutions.

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Most of undergraduate Students are facing lots of problems during study. In here you can find that problems and their expected solutions.


We all know that undergraduate students have been facing many problems in the sector of academia, finance, psychology during their undergraduate study. Nepalese undergraduate students are come from diverse sector of Nepal, From Mechi to Mahakaali. They have different culture, economic status,tone etc. Some families of undergraduate student are rich, some are middle , some are poor. But all category of undergraduate students face the problems.

In another point undergraduate Students feel they are responsible for family, society. They are on the process of being mature. They can able to understand the economic status, problems of their families and they are being mature. So they feel very bad and shy to asking for the money to their parents, so they want to earn their own money so that they can stand on their own foot.

I am Manoj Shrestha, I was a Student ambassador of TheVidhwan. TheVidhwan  is the e-commerce website and community. It helps to trade off your unused items, DIY products, or skills. They are constantly working on evolving their services as per your needs. The Vidhwan is not your stereotypical e-commerce site. Instead, this is where you get abundant opportunities, and make money by making an impact.A lot of us students, depend on our parents’ financial support while some of us work hard and risk compromising our studies. If you're the kind of student who likes studying but also likes to earn that extra cash with meaningful work, then TheVidhwan is the right place . The main motto of the vidhwan is "help yourself by helping others"

During I was a student ambassador, TheVidhwan formed 4 groups to survey and know about the common student I was in one team and in that team we were three member me, lokesh khadka and Deepa pandey.

So, we created a Google form, forwarded it to our close friends, siblings and circle. The total form filled up was 45. they had put their problems and expected solutions in a meaningful way. we conducted our first public session on Zoom. The total participants who attended the session were 15, they were so curious and the session went interactive. At the end, we sent them an appreciation letter attaching the feedback form.

Common Problems and Expected Solutions

Common Problems


1. Academic Problems (System):

  • College Selection (no any trustworthy ratings or standards)
  • Lack of Practical Knowledge in Curriculum and at School
  • Theoretical, Book Focus and Traditional Methods of Teaching/Learning
  • Bulk of Assignments to do in copy or in paper
  • Laboratory Problems (Computer, Science, other Labs) 
  • Low concern on research work, data analysis, presentation, design, simulation etc.


2. Academic/Study Problems (Personal):

  • Dilemma in course selection (finding interest and scope)
  • Difficult to concentrate in class and feel lazy to Study
  • High pressure and stress to prepare for exams
  • Lack of qualified teacher (mostly in rural places)
  • Difficulty in finding tutor or mentor
  • Frustration and feeling down


3. Financial Problems:

  • Excessive Fee (Entrance, College, Tuition)
  • Accommodation- Rent, Hostel (Environment, Facility, Hygiene)
  • Less Pocket Money, No income source
  • Daily Expenses (as per needs and wants)


4. Skill/Growth Issue:

  • Hard to Find Proper Skills and Personality Development Training
  • Problem in Finding Opportunities (Programs, Workshops, Volunteer, Competition)
  • Difficulty to find internships and Job (right opportunity at the right time)
  • Imbalance between work and education
  • Language Barrier (Everyone is not Fluent in English)
  • Confusion how to use the vacant/gap/leisure time to be productive


5. Psychological Issues:

  • High expectation of family
  • Misbehavior of some teachers
  • Misconception about LGBTIQ/Ethnic community
  • Student's attitude (less attendanceless programsless competitionless growth)
  • Friendship/Relationship issue


6. Gaps:

  • Gap between what is promised and what is actually delivered (college, job)
  • Expectation vs. Reality (Moment of Truth)
  • Issue of ground or playing space, canteen, Work load and hour, irregular payment etc.
  • Lack of Easy Access to Study Material (References, Notes, Guidance)
  • No availability of Nepali content in YouTube, Google, Quora and other




Expected Solution


1. Academic Solution (System):

  • Practical teaching method should be encouraged Use of ICT in Educational sector
  • The assignment of theory subjects should be allowed to do in ms office/docs.
  • Provision of part time study
  • Compulsorily all the essential instruments are provided to do laboratory works.
  • Program regarding LGBTIQ whole thing should be conducted as well as these things should be mentioned in text books.


2. Academic/Study Solution (Personal):

  • All classes should be recorded for further revision
  • Scientific and proven ways to concentrate on studies
  • Learn to manage time properly
  • Access to E-books


3. Financial Solutions:

  • Rent must be suitable
  • Income source/opportunities
  • Availability of part time job
  • Package provision for internet connection and other products/services


4. Skill/Growth Activities:

  • Webinar addressing public speaking skills and training on skill development
  • Provide the trainings in free of cost and also expose to new opportunities
  • Conduct programs in collaboration with experts, consultants, institution
  • Proper and impactful workshops or training should be provided


5. Psychological Progress:

  • Students have their own interest and capability, teachers and parents should understand
  • Proper motivation class should be organized
  • Experienced teacher who can understand students psychology
  • Make your mind happy and healthy
  • Promote self-esteem 
  • Spread knowledge about spirituality/meditation
  • Spreading knowledge of self care


6. Gap Fulfillment:

  • Platform which has right proper course and college information 
  • Platform to search best hostel or rental for accommodation
  • Platform where we can get updated on upcoming opportunities (participation, volunteering, competition, scholarship, trainings, internships and job opportunities)
  • A platform where one can find good tutor and mentor.