Amaranth (latte ko saag-लट्टेको साग )-A total history, origin, where it came from? How? How it spread all over the world?

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Amaranth the old and very popular leafy vegetable of the world.

Amaranth (latte ko saag) that mean it is a leafy vegetable which can be find easily in the all over the world. We can find amaranth in terai, hills and mountains all region and climate. And also it is one of the most preferable leafy vegetable among the leafable vegetables. So do you know? What is the great history of amaranth?. Where it came from? How it was spread all over the world ? if you don’t know about it then read it carefully.

In this world there are various types and species of amaranthus is available. As a whole the all types of amaranthus group is called amaranth vegetable. This amaranth has very interesting, long, and colourfull history in MAXICO. And it is also known as a native crop of peru country.

At the time of the AZTECS empire, amaranth was a main food crop. AZTECIANS started to cultivate amaranth crops about 6000-8000 years ago. amaranth was not only the main food at Aztecan times it is also important for worship, religion and culture. They used to make idols, statues of their god with a mix of grains of amaranth and honey. They worshiped the idol of their god, a broken statue or idol, and distributed to the people for food.

When the Spanish came to MEXICO with CORTEZ they force the villagers to leave the religion and entered them forcefully to Christianity and they made amaranth farming illegal. And they started to give very strict punishment to the people who are doing amaranth farming at that time and they fired all the amaranth farm which is done at that time.

Luckily they couldn’t destroy all the farms of amaranth and seed of amaranth. There were doing some small little amaranth farming at a remote area of the MEXICO and CORTEZES unable to destroy it due to its geographical condition, economic status of this area, they did not think they can cultivate the amaranth this type of area, etc. amaranth which is cultivated in a remote area of Mexico they used it to make traditional sweet which is commonly called “Alegria”.

This amaranth has a small and lighted grain that can be easily sprayed through the wind from one place to another. So we considered that by this way slowly it spread all over the world through the wind.
