Social networking uses and abuses

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Social Networks are Web-based services that allow people to construct a public, or somewhat public, profile.

Articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection with friends, family, etc. Social networks not only allow people to meet and communicate with strangers, but they also let users organize and visible their social networks.

In many ways, social media has led to positive changes in the way people communicate and share information; however, it has a dark side, as well. Social networking can sometimes result in negative outcomes, some with long-term consequences. There are millions of people on the internet who are looking to meet other people and to gather and share information and experiences on a variety of topics. Hundreds of social networking sites have been created, and have attracted millions of users. In a very short span social networking has become a phenomenon.

Most of the key features of these sites are very similar, yet the cultures that form around the social networking sites vary in many different ways. Some of the sites target diverse audiences, while others attract people based on common language, race, sexual preferences, religion, or nationality. The sites also vary the ways in which the show and incorporate new information and communication tools, like mobile access, blogging, and photo and video sharing.

Easily the most common use of Social Networking sites, and the main reason for them existing in the first place, is for personal reasons. It is used for its original purpose – to keep in touch with friends. Some people will go on simply to update their status or view their friends’ statuses, or to look at photos from the weekend’s night out. In the past it would have been nigh on impossible to keep in touch, much less keep up to date with what they are doing.

But Social Networking, as coin, has two sides. However useful and creative it may be, but it also has its darker side. Now a days, many people are engaging on missuing the different social networking sites. They used it to abuse others. The current paper throws some light on a few of the common and popular methods of abuse and various risks faced by the users of social networks and some preventive measures to ensure the safety of person and personal data.
