Europian Pear and Asian Pear

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Generally, pears are temperate deciduous type fruit. Fruit of Pears are called Pome. And it is grown in many hilly reasons of Nepal.

Generally, pears are temperate deciduous type fruit. Fruit of Pear is called Pome. And it is grown in many hilly reasons of Nepal. It comes Under family Rosaceae and sub-family amygdaloideae. Generally, we can differentiate the pears in two on the basis of topography.

  1. European pear 
  2. Asian Pear

The scientific name of European pear is Pyrus communis and the scientific name of Asian pear is called  Pyrus pyrifera , synonym P. serotina. The common pear is thought to have originated in Europe and has been cultivated since antiquity. The pear in Asian countries is predominantly made up of local varieties of native species, such as the Asian, or Chinese pear.


European pears are smoother textured and soft when ripe. European pears are unique in that the fruits do not ripen on the tree. When the pear is hard, fresh, and unripe, they are picked from the trees and processed until they ripen. At the "firm mature" stage, European pears are harvested before they are fully ripe. They can be stored for two to four months at the right temperature and relative humidity, depending on the cultivar. Before being consumed, European pears need a time of ripening at room temperature. Unripe pears are processed for 7-10 days at room temperature (60-70 °F) in a closed plastic or paper bag (sack). The fruits are then refrigerated to prevent them from ripening too quickly. European pears that are allowed to ripen on the trees are likely to be rotting in the center by the time they turn yellow and soft on the outside. Picking green European pears and wrapping them in the newspaper in a cool dark place is another way to ripen them (like in a box under the bed).

Fig: Europian Pear (Pyrus communis)

Photo Source : WALLSDESK.COM

Asian pears are firmer and more like an apple in texture. Asian pears, like apples, ripen on the tree and are ready to eat when picked. The majority of them are round, with skin that ranges from yellow-green to brown. When they're crisp, they're ripe and ready to eat. If you wait for an Asian pear to soften before eating it, it will be overripe, mushy, and taste bland. The Asian pears we select from the trees are crisp, juicy, and ready to eat right away. Depending on the variety, Asian pears are harvested from late August to early October. To avoid bruising, ripe fruit should be treated with care. Under the right conditions, Asian pears can be kept for one to three months.

Fig: Asian Pear ( Pyrus pyrifera)

Photo Source: Epic gardening

Pears from both Europe and Asia are known for their “biennial bearing.” A tree can produce excessively one year and produce a small crop the following year (the "off" year). In the “on” year, biennial bearing sometimes results in limb breakage and smaller fruits. Remove excess fruits by hand within 30 days of full bloom in the “on” year to avoid or interrupt the biennial bearing cycle. One pear fruit is usually supported.

Asian pears would not be pollinated by European pear varieties. Asian pears bloom a couple of days later than European pears. Cross-pollination of two different varieties is needed for both European and Asian pears.

