Is decision making new for us?

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Decision making is as regular as it comes with breathing. If it’s not new, then why we are even arguing about it? Does it make our decision making process much simpler or complex? Aren’t we questioning regularly? If so, why again?

Is decision making new for us? No! Decision making is as regular as it comes with breathing. If it’s not new, then why we are even arguing about it? Does it make our decision making process much simpler or complex? Aren’t we questioning regularly? If so, why again?

The rationale to understand the decision making process is linked with “conscious choice” because our daily lives decisions are mostly unconscious in nature because we don’t evaluate it from multiple perspective rather trust our intuition. The critical evaluation of conscious choice ultimately leads towards perfectionism. It’s generally leading us to reduce bad choices over good choices and according to (Polič, 2009) in rational decision making it explicitly anticipate, “choices, uncertainties and outcomes of certain decision”. 

Firstly, it’s not about the number of decision we make rather it’s all about raising our awareness about the root of the problem which determines the quality of our decisions. Therefore, understanding and defining the problem is extremely important when the decision has impact on larger audience. Mostly we make an error of accessing the symptoms and proposing the solutions which isn’t a sustainable approach by any means.

Secondly, after defining the problem, we need to identify the criteria of decision making based upon the domain of decision making. Like the criteria of decision making to choose a certain college or girlfriend can be totally different.

Thirdly, the weightage of criteria is plays an important turnaround in decision making. Like, while choosing the college, it brands value of the college over affordability can be more credible for a person who have enough financial capital and condition doesn’t apply the same who has relatively less.

Fourthly, alternative decisions are explored which can meet the weightage of the criteria by accessing the cost of alternative search versus its value delivering. Like in the case of college, a different college can deliver both the weightage of decision making like brand value and affordability in foreign land.

Fifthly, after identifying the different alternatives one need to access consequences of the options. Like, choosing a college abroad might mean to physically disconnect with the families and live life independently which can be difficult to adjust for the time being.

Lastly, after sequential analysis of decision making alternatives we need to summarize the opportunity cost and access our inclination towards certain decision in terms of readiness to implement and support needed to make it effective. (Stankevich, 2017) All those weightage, criteria can be mentally calculated or financial calculated depending upon the nature of decision making.

   Following Bazerman Moore, (2013) steps doesn’t guarantee that we can be good decision maker by instantly apply it. Instead its about the, “conscious practice” that makes us apart from other decision makers and like many decision making is an art of connecting personal knowledge, experience, network and intention. Therefore, right path to be a better decision making is, “wisely deciding”, “again and again” rather than over analyzing and getting stuck.   
