Do you consider people of porn industry as entrepreneurs?

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The controversial and yet blurred word, “entrepreneur” made me to reflect whether people who started, “porn industry”  can be called as an entrepreneurs or not? It has created value for our sexual needs, cost of sexual pleasure is low and has also bridged the gap, isn't it?

The definition of an entrepreneur is blurred and vague if analyzed from multiple perspective. It has been an ideological struggle to find who actually are entrepreneurs and what actually entrepreneurship is. The more we get into details, the more we get confused and our definitions of entrepreneur gets contextualized with individual situations and contexts. The two case of an entrepreneurs which I have used for my assignments are two extremities in terms of their choices, behaviors, family background, hobbies, and journey of being an entrepreneur. Aashish case was from practical to theoretical approach  while in case of Surath it was from theoretical to practical approach. Aashish didn’t even knew about the word entrepreneur when he started Redmud while Surath has all the theoretical knowledge about the entrepreneurial sector. I have come to conclusion that entrepreneurship like in other professions has implications  with Darwin’s theory of existence. All what we do, we do for our survival and only choices, purpose and process differentiates from each other whether it is entrepreneurship or business. The interview experience taught me to look entrepreneurship from a real perspective.

The controversial and yet blurred word, “entrepreneur” made me to reflect whether people who started, “porn industry”  can be called as an entrepreneurs or not? It has created value for our sexual needs, cost of sexual pleasure is low and has also bridged the gap, solved the problem of accessibility to look after female genital organs and have also created employment opportunities for sexual workers. The question is, “Will our society call these peoples as entrepreneurs or not? Will they accept them as an entrepreneurs or not? By analyzing, what our ancestors did to fulfill their sexual desire and what we are doing these days, may be we can come up with an interesting perspective about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Indeed, we have much more choices than our ancestors had. Entrepreneurs are the choices developer who offer choices at much cheaper rate than other competitors. I have come to realize that the concept of entrepreneurs will be always at hype in our society because no one really has a concrete personalized general definition of what entrepreneurship is about or who are entrepreneurs. The experience that entrepreneurs go through is unique, so the concept is in grey zone. 


Blog is a part of series of interview with two Nepali Entrepreneur Mr. Aashish Adhikari and Mr. Surath Giri during MBA assisgnments. 
