How to make phone conversation effective?

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It can’t be denied that phone conversations save time and money in making decisions. We are being more and more productive with technological advancement. However, there are some limitations in engagement because we can’t see other people face during conversations.

The advancement of technology has changed a lot on how we interact with each other. Technology has been integrated in almost every professional sector which is paving a way for innovation.  Organizational internal systems have been also advanced due to technology. It has opened an opportunity for different people to collaborate so that they can achieve mutual goals. Communication is the key activity in the process of collaboration. Like many other forms phone conversations are mostly used these days in professional setting because it saves time to make a decision. While there are some complexities making a group decision during a phone conversation but it is still preferable to have phone conversation either on mobile phones or skype calls. While doing so it is highly advantageous to summarize the points covered in a phone conversation. Here are the reasons why: -

  1. Check for understanding: Especially during long phone conversations it’s a struggle to keep track of the information’s in the human brain as one information overlaps with other quickly. So summarizing helps to check whether individuals involved during conversations are on the same chapter or not and have a mutual understanding. It can be done by asking questions such as, “Do you mean to say we should meet at December 16 after drafting our contracts?”
  2. Reinforce the agreements: The purpose of phone conversations can be varied depending on the nature of the work and relationship between communicators. Some are done to just share information’s, and some happens to decide on multiple agendas. Summarizing helps to reinforce the mutual agreements which happened during the interview. An example on how it can be done to structure this in conversations is stated as:“Till now we talked about companies’ current status, made a decision to change the marketing strategy and send a performance review of our employees. XYZ, did I miss something?”

It can’t be denied that phone conversations save time and money in making decisions. We are being more and more productive with technological advancement. However, there are some limitations in engagement (Drago, 2015) because we can’t see other people face during conversations. Its always a useful tip to have a pen and diary while communicating in phone to keep track of our conversations.
