Leadership is a relationship between followers and leaders.

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From the past evidences it’s clear that leadership has always emerged in between the pursuit of perfectionism,  human dissatisfaction, and desired future.

The quotation of Mary Tyler, “You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you” can be concluded to say that in a perfect world leadership might not exist. The debate of what perfect world is separate for now to discuss however we need to admit that this world is imperfect place to live with politics instability, pressing injustice, growing human needs and technological chaos. From the past evidences it’s clear that leadership has always emerged in between the pursuit of perfectionism,  human dissatisfaction, and desired future. The common five exemplary practices of leadership in any context according to Koujes Posner is listed below as: -             

  • Model the way: - The journey of leadership doesn’t have straight roads for accomplishment of the vision and therefore finds a voice to model the way based on the values system. Some political parties  are considering themself as an alternative political force of Nepal has been practicing this section by developing institution culture, protesting against corrupt and demonstrating transparent actions towards citizens through the use of technology. This practice is inspiring many young generations to become interested in politics however in the amidst of imperfect system their model the way is quite struglling but graudally inpsiring in different shaded of life. 


  • Inspire a Shared Vision: The journey of leadership is always guided by the cause of its existence which drafted as a vision to communicate with its followers. Teach for Nepal visions that, “One day all children will attain excellent education in Nepal” and this vision has inspired thousands of youths like me to consider teaching in public schools. The actions from that vision has inspired other public schools’ teachers, corporate leaders, other development agencies and thousands of children’s. This practices of inspiring people by vision in education will make a major difference in policies reformation in future.


  • Challenge the process: Vision itself hasn’t has no meaning until there is a fair system or structure which facilitates the process of executing vision. Karkhana which exists under a philosophy, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it” has been consistently challenging the process of teaching by integrating innovation in school curriculum. As an enterprise its has shown possibility to students by giving a believe that engineering can be learnt in school as well which will inspire students to be innovative engineers in future.


  • Enable other to act: A vision is only achieved through collective actions of skilled human resources and leaders help other to be leaders. King’s College who has successfully been advocating the agenda of entrepreneurship by continuously organizing events and bringing program which could be interested for current or future entrepreneurs. When majority of youths are travelling abroad for security King’s College is paving a way for youths to become leaders in entrepreneurial ecosystem so that it will help them to stay in the country for future prosperity.


  • Encourage the heart: The only difference between leaders and general people lies in the ability to take risks on their intuition for which courage is needed. The action of a leader inspires other leaders to listen to their authentic voice and act accordingly. Sadhguru who is a spiritual leader has been sharing thoughts on human philosophical dilemmas which is inspiring many individuals to follow on what Sadhguru has to say on the subject matter. Due to this many celebrities and renowened personality of India are supporting the campaign of “Rally for Rivers” which is going to be a huge movement in coming days.

            I don’t know if anyone will understand what leadership is until and unless its being practiced. If every person has a unique vision for the society then I don’t think the world will be stable due to conflict in interest issue. Normally many people join each other due to alignment in their thoughts at some point. A successful leadership is only achieved through collective relationship between those thoughts alignments. These relationship is nurtured through meeting, events and collective action. (Bligh, 2017) And, therefore leadership is a relationship between followers and leaders.


Disclaimer: Blog is a part of series of MBA assignment (2016-2018) and insight is based on my online research.  The organization mentioned in the blog didn't paid me to write. And, hence it not a sponsored blog. 
